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Step Into Your Future:

Master the Art and Science of Human Behavior; Control Conversations with Confidence, Detect Deception, Influence Trust, and Get the Truth

The Most Elite, Personal, & Dedicated Mentoring for Perfecting Your Communication & Human Behavior Skills 


Welcome to My
Professional Mentor Program (PMP)


About My PMP

I offer exclusive one-on-one personal mentor programs specifically tailored to you so you can APPLY what you learn about human behavior, verbal and nonverbal communication skills (body language, statement analysis, interviewing, negotiation, & elicitation), emotional intelligence, resilience, and leadership, and get the results you want.  


In my mentor programs, I give you knowledge that you apply in your life to create the success you want. Because I take a holistic approach to mastering human behavior and interpersonal skills, this mentor program is like no other; it's about breadth and depth.


You and I will devise a curriculum together that is tailored to YOU based on a detailed prerequisite questionnaire you fill out. We will work together for three, six, or twelve months and meet for 1.5 hours EVERY MONTH on Zoom to conquer your most aggressive goals and bring you to a level of mastery. You will receive the recording of our meeting as well as additional homework, training materials, reference guides, and guided activities to help you perfect your newly discovered skills and apply them in your world.  


Get ready to work, be challenged, and go after what you desire. We will mastermind together!

Here is a list of topics mentor topics:


LEADERSHIP: Organizational Change Management, Change Behaviours, Psychology of Leadership, Conflict Management, Feedback, Leadership Styles, Emotional Intelligence, Resiliency and Agile Thinking, Overcoming Thought Distortions, Trust Behaviors, Rapport-Based Relationships


COMMUNICATION: Advanced Interviewing, Negotiation, and Elicitation Techniques, Core Competencies of the SISCO Method of Interviewing, Controlling Conversations, Scripting, Conversational Hourglass, Reverse Engineering Conversations, Embedded Commands, Assigning Positive Traits


HUMAN BEHAVIOR: Body Language (Stress and Deception), Non-Verbal Persuasion, Deceptive Analysis, Psychology of Lying, Cognitive Overload, Personality Profiling, Motivation Equation  


Are you ready to do a DEEP DIVE and master these sought-after skill sets?  


No one offers the level of personal attention that this MENTOR PROGRAM does. I will:​


  • Give you immediate feedback and guidance to increase the effectiveness of your communication regarding your specific communication challenges.​​


  • Help you plan for meetings, interviews, and events so you ace your performance every time.​​ Feel comfortable and confident in any conversation by trusting in your communication skills.


  • Assist you in re-writing your conversation, whether it is a cold call or an interview, so you focus on the HUMAN FACTOR and not a script! We will devise the best approach for specific individuals so you can gain their interest and trust immediately. You will learn how to say and ask the unexpected to get honest answers every time.


  • Review and critique your messaging and presentations so you can avoid common communication mishaps.


  • Accurately assess your body language and provide feedback on ways to change it to exude confidence and authority.


  • Help you assess the personality preferences of those you work with to help break down communication barriers and increase rapport.


  • Assess the nonverbal behaviors of others to discover their truthfulness. I will train you to become a human lie-detector by helping you avoid the common pitfalls associated with this science.


  • Help you perfect any negotiation you have by putting you in the hot seat with ME. Once you learn my BOND negotiation tactics and how to profile your Negotaiton Partner Type (NPT), you will win every negotiation.


  • Walk you through how to get your staff and stakeholders on board with change.


  • Help you bring the most defiant person to compliance.


  • Bring you to an expert level in any area you want: leadership, communication, body language, elicitation, interviewing, and negotiation. 


  • I can even help you carve a new career path, seeking what you want out of life and the life you want.


Because of the intensity of this program, you will be required to apply. Book a call with me HERE.


What to Expect:


  • BONUS 1: First, you will fill out my D.E.F.I.N.E. Mentor Profile to gain clarity in your goal! Once I review it, we will meet for a free 30-minute Zoom Call and plan our Course of Action (COA) for our follow-up meetings.


  • BONUS 2: Then, each month, you and I will meet on Zoom for 1.5 hours, where I will mentor you in certain skills to meet your objective(s). I will give you a ton of additional reference material including recorded presentations, reference material, handouts, worksheets, etc. 


  • BONUS 3: After each session, I don't disappear for a month. You will receive an email recap of our conversation and follow-on action items. These may include completing worksheets, reading material that I recommend/provide, scheduling meetings, drafting feedback, meeting a personal goal, and more. These assignments may require you to complete them before our next scheduled call.

     3 PMP OFFERS     

The 3-Month PMP program: Welcome to the Level 1 Professional Mentor Program.  


In this program, we will meet for a total of three sessions. Each month we will get together on Zoom for 1.5 hours (in addition to your 30-minute call to discuss your D.E.F.I.N.E. Mentor Profile). If you have a challenge/goal that can be met in three months, we will achieve it together! If you graduated from either of my two 3-month online programs, AEP or EIN, you can use Level 1 PMP to elevate your skill set above and beyond the core training you received so that you can apply the techniques in your life to your real-world situations. You and I will hot-seat during these sessions, so be ready to be challenged! â€‹Price: $3300 (1 hr with me is $1300, if you join Level 1, you save $2550!) 


The 6-Month PMP program: Welcome to the Level 2 Professional Mentor Program.  


We will meet for a total of 6 sessions. Each month we will get together on Zoom for 1.5 hours (in addition to your 30-minute call to discuss your D.E.F.I.N.E. Mentor Profile). We will have half a year to tackle aggressive goals. We can really dig into issues, gain more clarity, and attack them more strategically because we have more time together - but that will mean more work for you! ​Price: $6000 (1 hr with me is $1300, if you join Level 2, you save $5700!) 


The 12-Month PMP program: Welcome to the Level 3 Professional Mentor Program.  


We will meet for a total of 12 sessions. Each month we will get together on Zoom for 1 hour (in addition to your 30-minute call to discuss your D.E.F.I.N.E. Mentor Profile). This is the most intense mentor program because we will have a YEAR to do a deep dive into numerous interconnected issues. Because we have more time together, we can easily set more visionary goals, such as life transformations (new job, new role, new career, growing a successful team, initiating broad changes, and so much more!) If you want to attack more significant challenges requiring more time, this program is for you. Price: $10,800 (1 hr with me is $1300, if you join Level 3, you save $12,600!) 


Now, if you only want to book one session with me for a quick - but heavy - fix, you can. You will still complete the D.E.F.I.N.E. Mentor Profile first, and then we will meet for 15 minutes to establish our COA; then, we will meet for our scheduled 1:1 one-hour call at $1300. 


It would be an honor to work with you one-on-one.  Let me know if you have any questions about the programs. 

What our PMP Recipients Say...


"I'm in a senior position at (Company), and I wanted to level up my conversational and leadership skills. I have to have difficult and uncomfortable conversations daily. I truly care about people, and I want them to feel safe and comfortable with me. I have been using your techniques with so much success that other department heads ask me how I am able to do it! I tell them, I use the Lena Sisco method. You are about to have more clients!" ~ Paul M., Employee Relations/HR

"I knew you were the mentor for me, and I was right. You made me feel comfortable, and you encouraged me during this journey, even when I got frustrated and was about to give up. I have never been this confident in my communication and presentation skills. And I know exactly what to look for and listen to to tell if someone is lying to me or not. Thank you!" Ryan Y., Education

"Because of your techniques, I was able to solve a case and get the guy to confess. His behavior was awesome to analyze during the interview. I knew he was going to lie before the words ever left his mouth based on his behavior shifts. I called him out using your approach and techniques, and he confessed and told me everything I needed to know. You have changed how I view every conversation and interview I have. You are incredible!"  ~ Kristin H., LE

Are You Ready To be EMPOWERED?
This is the "IF not NOW, then WHEN" decision.
Why wait another 6 months and be stuck where you're at?

You are ready to elevate NOW.

Let’s Work Together and Catapult You To Your Empowered Future!

I am happy to answer any questions you have. Let's partner so you can start using elite skills in your personal and professional life.

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